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Konfabulator provides two very useful functions which allow you execute to Unix commands; runCommand() and runCommandInBg(). On the Mac platform you can use any command that you could use in a terminal window. On Windows you are a little more limited because unlike on the Mac platform Windows doesn't natively understand Unix commands but fortunately Pixoria (now Yahoo) have packaged a number of the most commonly used Unix commands to the Windows version of Konfabulator.

The commands which can be used on both platforms are:

basename bc bunzip2 bzip2 bzip2recover
cal cat cksum cmp Comm
compress cp curl cut Date
dc dd df diff3 Diff
dirname du echo egrep Env
expand expr fgrep find Fmt
fold fsplit gawk grep Gunzip
gzip head id join Less
lesskey ln logname ls md4
md5sum mkdir mv od Open
paste patch pr printenv Pwd
rm rmdir sdiff sed Shar
sleep sort split sum Sync
tail tar tee touch Tr
uname unexpand uniq unzip Uudecode
uuencode wc which whoami Xargs
yes zcat zip    

The first of these functions, runCommand() will execute a command in a blocking (synchronous) fashion, halting execution of the Widget code until the Unix command has completed and return the result of the command as a string. It's syntax is:


Where string is the command you want to execute. An example of a how you might use it is:

//Make a folder called "New Folder" on the Desktop
log('Result of mkdir command: ' + runCommand('mkdir -p "' +
system.userDesktopFolder + '/New Folder"'));

The second function, runCommandInBg() will execute a command in a non-bloking (asynchronous) fashion, allowing the Widget code to continue before the command has completed. When the command is completed, the globabl onRunCommandInBgComplete event is fired which will provide the result of the command. It's syntax is:

runCommandInBg(string, tag);

Where string is the command you want to execute and tag is the name of a variable (passed to the function as a string) which you define that will be populated with the result of the command when the onRunCommandInBgComplete event is fired. When the onRunCommandInBgComplete event is fired is also populated with the name of the tag parameter relating to the runCommandInBg() call which has just completed. An example of how you might use it is:

[XML in .kon file]:
<action trigger="onRunCommandInBgComplete">
	if ( == 'strMkdirReturn') {
		log('Result of mkdir command: ' + strMkdirReturn);

[Javascript in .js file or <action> block]
var strMkdirReturn = ;
//Make a folder called "New Folder" on the Desktop
runCommandInBg('mkdir -p "' + system.userDesktopFolder
+ '/NewFolder"', 'strMkdirReturn');

It is also worth noting that you can string multiple Unix commands together by separating them with a semicolon (;) and execute them in a single operation like this:

//Make a folder called "New Folder" on the Desktop and rename it to "My Folder"
log('Result of mkdir command: ' + runCommand('mkdir -p "' +
system.userDesktopFolder + '/New Folder"; mv "' + system.userDesktopFolder
+ '/New Folder" "' + system.userDesktopFolder + '/My Folder"));